A few weeks ago, I had this sudden realization that we didn’t have a SINGLE photo for our family Christmas card! Any one else relate?! Ok…now that I think of it, it may not be completely true… we have some beautiful photos from Tiffany’s wedding last year. However, if it’s possible, I LOVE trying to make our Christmas cards a little more festive!
This all came about as I was on the hunt for some fun new clothes for McKenna Kate a couple weeks ago (I just about DIED when I saw this adorable rose gold puffer jacket at Walmart for under $20…she basically hasn’t taken it off since she got it!). As I kept browsing, I stumbled upon this cute reindeer sweater (so soft) and little Santa dress and had an A-ha moment! What if we all dressed up in fun/ugly Christmas sweaters and take a silly family photo this year!! Giggle 🙂 EVERYONE was on board for this idea and thought it was so fun!
Walmart had TONS of adorable options for us to choose from! We were all huddled around my computer cracking up as we looked through their selection and picked out what to wear! We decided that the girls would wear fun sweaters, most of the boys would wear these hillarious blazers…and Tanner would be a silly Gingerbread Man! Giggle : ) It fit perfectly with our Gingerbread House theme this year, don’t you think?!
Each year, family photos are typically a little stressful…but we had such a fun time this year dressing up in these silly sweaters and doing goofy poses that it not only resulted in cute family photos, but fun family memories as well! If family photos ever stress you out, I highly recommend trying this approach! It was a blast!
I’ve linked all of our fun outfits at the bottom of this post so you can create some fun family photos of your own 🙂

Photos: Teesdale Photography
Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post. All pieces shown were hand selected and purchased on my own