Ok, I might be just a little bit obsessed with the Anti-Gravity Cake Phenomenon! The first time I saw an Anti-Gravity Cake, I was blown away!! I had to learn how to make them (ther...
When Disney announced the release of a new Beauty and the Beast movie, I don’t know who was more excited, my daughter, McKenna Kate or me!!! I have always LOVED the storyline...
Outdoor Easter Decorations! Done! I get more comments on my OUTDOOR Easter decorations from people in the community than I do on my inside decorations, because… outdoor deco...
In the Houghton household, we love to eat! Steve, my husband, and I have always placed a big emphasis on Family Breakfast and Family Dinner! With so much going on, meals are t...
I’ve had so many people ask me where to get what is featured in the Easter Video! So…. I have created an Easter Boutique, Just for you! Happy Shopping!! Hugs… Jen...
I’m so EXCITED to share the Easter Video!! I had so much fun creating it for you!! I love how everything turned out and I “hop” you love it, too!! Happy Ea...