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Halloween Negligée

October 13, 2016 Holidays, Home Decor

A negligée for your home? You bet!!

When I start thinking of decorating ideas for my seasonal transitions, I focus on the area seen first. For me, that’s the outdoor corner of my house where people drive by every day.  By addressing this first sight-line area and giving it  “wow” appeal, what I’m really saying is, “Don’t you want to see more?” – I call this the negligée effect 🙂 

I love decorating my corner! I know my neighbors enjoy seeing it too, because every time I am outside making changes I have someone roll down their window and tell me how much they love seeing “what will happen next!”

I hate to admit, but over the years, my corner has actually caused a few fender benders. I overheard one lady say to the person she had just rear-ended, “I’m so sorry, I was looking at what was being put up on the corner.” As a result….. I try to install at night now!

You may not have a corner that cars drive by, but whatever your negligée area is, make it your own! Plant some seasonal flowers, line your walkway with pumpkins, or hang some festive lights!

I’d love to see what little tricks you have up your sleeves! Comment below with ideas of how you’d customize your “Halloween negligée”.







Hugs… Jennifer