We’ve been using Walmart+ free grocery delivery for about 2 years now. I’m here to tell you, if you haven’t gotten on the grocery delivery train yet…it’s a game changer!
Stevie Kate is heading to the beach and I saw these cute little sandals I wanted to grab for her. I placed an order, along with some groceries, and they were delivered to my doorstep later the same day!

Walmart+ is a great way for moms with kids at home to save time and money! With Walmart+, you can get free delivery on thousands of items from your local store, as well as access exclusive discounts and deals. Plus, you can use the Scan & Go feature to quickly check out in-store without waiting in line. It’s an easy way to make your shopping trips simpler and more convenient! (See Walmart+ Terms & Conditions)

You can see all of the benefits in the graphic below, and try out Walmart+ for free for 30 days at no risk!

Thank you to Walmart for partnering with me on this post