McKenna Kate and Sam started school today! What?!
It’s always so hard for me to grasp how quickly the summer seems to fly by! We’ve been traveling a lot this summer, which has been so fun, but it also means we haven’t had a lot of time to shop for back to school supplies for the kids!
As many of you know, we unexpectedly spent the past couple of weeks in Utah due to the passing of Steve’s father. While difficult, we were able to turn lemon’s into lemonade and take advantage of the quality family time that resulted from the event. Because we were in Utah longer than expected, I wasn’t able to physically take the kids shopping for school supplies like I usually do. Thankfully, Walmart had everything the kids both wanted, and needed, in order to head back to school confident and happy 🙂 I sat down with both of them and we browsed through lots of fun backpacks and school supplies until they each found exactly what they wanted! (P.S I definitely recommend taking a look at the backpacks they have at Walmart! They’re so cute and affordable enough that your child could even pick out a few and swap them out whenever they’d like!)
As you’ve probably noticed, Sam doesn’t love appearing in my posts…… I guess he’s just a typical boy! Giggle 🙂 I’ll be sure to link some of the pieces he selected at the bottom of the post though. On the other hand, McKenna Kate LOVES to ham it up and strike a pose. She was so excited when I asked if she wanted to model what she picked out! She had a little friend over who happened to have a matching dress, so they had a lot of fun being models for the afternoon 🙂
We had a little “photoshoot fail” in one of the shots… giggle 🙂

McKenna Kate chose everything here all herself! She says her favorite things are these colorful felt tip pens, the pink calculator, and the “Don’t Be Afraid To Be Great” notebook, because she was able to customize it and put her name on it!
Here are some of the back to school supplies I got for Sam! He’s a bit more simple : )
We’re also doing something new in our family this year! Sam and McKenna Kate both chose to go off of processed carbs for ONE WHOLE YEAR! WOW! In return, they’re earning a fun trip of their choice! They’re really excited about it, but nervous about eating at school because their school (like all schools I’m sure) provide a lot of tempting goodies. I’ve been so impressed by their dedication to their choice so far!
We decided that we’re going to meal prep their lunches ahead of time so they don’t have to be tempted by the other foods! I bought these bento boxes that are perfect and have enough room for a simple, but nutritious lunch!
The one exception that they have is that they’re allowed to eat 1 piece of my homemade bread per day. In making my bread, I grind my own wheat using Hard Red Wheat, Hard White Wheat and Einkorn (a very ancient strain!)
McKenna Kate decided she wanted a “Love Lunch” so I used some fun heart-shaped cookie cutters and also cut her cucumbers into “xoxo.” I couldn’t help but sneak a heart onto Sam’s lunch as well : )

I still can’t believe my babies are growing up so fast! I’m so excited to see what this school year has in store for them!
Shop all of Sam and McKenna Kate’s back to school picks from Walmart below!
Hugs… Jennifer
This post is sponsored by Walmart. Sam and McKenna Kate picked out everything in the post and I purchased the pieces myself