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Back To School Shopping with McKenna Kate

July 19, 2019 Fashion

How is it already time to start getting ready to go back to school?! Sam and McKenna Kate start August 22nd and we are traveling so much this summer, I thought it would be a good idea to get some of our back-to-school shopping done while we were home for a few days!

McKenna Kate is moving up to middle school, which means a new campus and new possibilities of friends! As any child who moves to a new school would be; she’s a little nervous. To make her more excited for this new change I thought it would be fun to take her and some of her friends to Walmart for a little back-to-school shopping!

Back to School items at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane
Back to School Clothes at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane

They loved picking out their own clothes and backpacks at Walmart, and I loved watching them! I giggled out loud multiple times as I listened to them negotiate between items — who got what, and who needed to look for something else (they are not so into “matching” as they once were) :).

McKenna Kate just walked into my office so I thought I’d let her tell you what her favorite part was, and what some of her favorite pieces were! So…here’s Mickey! 🙂

“Hi guys! This is Mickey! One of my favorite parts about my first job being a model 😉 was being able to pick out all of my favorite clothes to wear! I thought that my denim dress was really cute (and I actually have it on again right now!). When we were in Walmart people kinda thought we were crazy because my mom was getting all of these clothes and shoes and backpacks for all of us hehe! But we had SO much fun and picked out some REALLY cute clothes!

My favorite outfits were my dress (similar here), and then this blue dress and this white and rainbow dress. My favorite backpacks were probably the pink rainbow see-through one and the pastel rainbow one.

When we took pictures I really liked how we got to pick out some of the poses that we got to be in, and we got to play around and laugh a lot. I also really liked how afterward we got to go get ice cream 🙂 We had so much fun and I keep asking my mom to take me back to Walmart to get some more cute clothes to wear when school starts again!

My favorite pictures that we took were these two below! Ok bye!”

Back to School kids fashion at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane

I think it’s obvious the girls had a blast picking out some new clothes and backpacks for school! Don’t you?! 🙂 I was so impressed with their selection of cute clothes. The quality of the pieces were all great and many of them were under $10!

I always love heading to Walmart to buy clothes for McKenna Kate, and right now they have so many fun options when it comes to kid’s fashion! They have even more choices online, and offer free 2-day shipping and returns for orders over $35!

How adorable are these girls?! They were just the cutest little models!!!

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Walmart Back to School kids clothes, shoes, and backpacks! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane
Back to School necessities at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane
Back to School kids clothes, shoes, and backpacks at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane
Walmart, We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane! So many cute kids fashion items for back to school at Walmart!
Walmart, We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane! So many cute kids clothes for back to school at Walmart!
Walmart, We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane! So many cute kids clothes for back to school at Walmart!
Back to School checklist at Walmart! We Dress America by Turtle Creek Lane

I’ve added a “Kid’s Fashion” section to my shopping tab, so be sure to take a look to see even more fun finds from Walmart!

Hugs… Jennifer

Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring today’s post! My kids picked out their outfits and I purchased all pieces on my own.

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